Devotions Based on Hymns from Glory to God and Their Scriptural Allusions
READ: Exodus 40:38
Imagine you are numbered among the children of Israel journeying through the wilderness. God has blessed you … us with two means to guide us on the journey. By day there is a pillar of cloud to guide us. Among the various shaped clouds in that sky, or in a perfectly beautiful blue sky void of other clouds, that pillar of cloud stood out. It was so large that there is no way a person or group of persons could get lost as that column of cloud led the way.
On a starless night or the night of the new moon, it could be difficult to travel without illumination or a guide. But the children of Israel had no need to fear as God would, and did, provide. The pillar of cloud that guided the Israelites by day was filled with fire should they forge ahead when darkness set in.
In the hymn Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah, we notice the scriptural allusion in the second verse. Listen or sing:
“Let the fire and cloudy pillar lead me all my journey through, Strong deliverer, strong deliverer be thou still my strength and shield, be thou still my strength and shield.”
The remainder of the hymn moves from chronicling the Israelites journey through the wilderness to our journey through this life. Once we tread the verge of Jordan and make our way through death, we look to God to deliver us safely on Canaan’s side, Then as the Israelites were joyful when they finally got to the Promised Land, so we will render of our hymns of praise when we arrive in heaven. As we look to claim the eternal life Jesus has promised to all who believe in Him, so our songs of praises will never end, and we will never tire of singing them.
God of the Journey, we thank You for charting our way and for providing leaders. We thank You for the pillar of cloud and pillar of fire that led the Israelites. We thank You for Jesus Christ the Light of the world and for the light He has given us. In His’ name, we pray. Amen.