For who is greater, the one who is at the table or the one who serves?
Luke 22:27a
A dispute arises among the Twelve. They wanted to know which one of them is the greatest.
Jesus asks the question, “For who is greater, the one who is at the table or the one who serves?” Then He gives the most logical answer in the form of a question: “Is it not the one at the table?”
Then Jesus gives another answer … not with words, but by His own actions. Jesus says, “I am among you as one who serves.”
There is no doubt about it, we enjoy being guests … we like being served. We must also admit that being waited on and served all the time can be annoying. We like to do things by ourselves.
There is also no doubt about it that we derive certain pleasure from serving others. It is a good feeling to help or minister to others. Jesus wanted them and us to recognize that His greatness was/is not minimized by His service.
Almighty God, we thank You for the lessons Your Son Jesus taught. We do enjoy being served and we find pleasure and satisfaction in serving others. Help us to see true greatness always as Jesus demonstrated it. In His name, we pray. Amen.