The angels of God made their presence known with Jacob, who was on the road again to meet up with his more aggressive brother Esau. But as God had promised, Jacob would never be without the presence, wisdom, and power of God. In this episode we learn that here was Jacob’s family, which made one army representing the church on earth and another army representing the church triumphant and at ease in heaven.
Have you ever longed to have opportunity to meet with an enemy while trying to meet with a loved member of your family? How did you accomplish this feat? Well, poor Jacob felt the need to face his brother Esau, his enemy, to visit with whom he loved, his father Isaac, who was with Esau, so poor Jacob had no other option.
After wrestling with God’s angel, Jacob also is given another name, Israel! What a history of the beginning of humankind. This long detailed book tells us about the very beginnings of humanity.
So after a fearful and tedious journey, Jacob prevails once again to find favor with his God. God continued to bless him and his family to prevail over those who did not honor God with their whole being. Jacob teaches us a lesson of life which will do us well. Always, no matter what comes our way, live in faithfulness and give unto God all that we have been given.
Heavenly father, keep us always faithful in the living out our days that we might be seen as an example for others to be faithful. In Jesus’ name. Amen.