A friend loves at all times,
and kinsfolk are born to share adversity.Proverbs 17:17
There are several billion human beings in this world, and so there are usually people around. But then there are special people that we call friends and kinsfolk (I think that’s a biblical word for that we call kin.)
What are the unique features that separate these people from the pack? It has to do with how they treat YOU, and what they mean to YOU.
Friends are the people who love YOU at all times. I have enjoyed the definition that “A friend is someone who is happy for you in spite of your success.” Friends are the ones in your corner, who love you even when they don’t’ particularly like you.
And according to the writer of Proverbs, you kin are the ones who were born to share YOUR adversity. In a good world, they rally around you when things get tough. They sometimes justify their allegiance by saying that blood is thicker than water.
Now sometimes we wait to see if friends and kin live up to the billing. It may be better for us to see who in our life needs to act as kin or friend to them.
Dear God, show me those people who need me to act as kin or friend, and help me to share the love of Christ with them today. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.