Extra Credit

So you also when you do all that you were commanded to do say, “We are worthless slaves, we have done only what we ought to have done.”
Luke 17:10

In my sophomore year of high school I was able to begin a foreign language study. I chose to study French and I loved the language and was doing extremely well. Having performed less satisfactorily on one test, I asked my teacher if I could do something for extra credit to get my GPA up where it was in that particular subject. She agreed and I did a bulletin board featuring a drawing of The French Chef Julia Child and the names of ingredients that are used in a favorite dish Boeuf Bourgignone.

Extra credit was a good thing! The bulletin board introduced the class to French cuisine, an important element of French culture. I got my French GPA back up so that when I graduated I was presented a pin signifying that I had the highest GPA in French. I so adored French that I took 3 semesters of French as electives in college. My conversational French today is poor, but I have a good knowledge of French when it comes to cookbooks or menus.

In the scripture lesson today, Jesus speaks of doing more than is commanded. He speaks of a slave coming in from plowing the field or tending the sheep in the pasture and being invited to dine at the table. He admits that there would be the temptation to bid the servant to prepare the meal and serve it while the master eats and then the slave can eat and drink. Jesus asks, “Do you thank the slave for doing what was commanded.” Jesus continues, “So you also, when you have done all you were ordered to do, say, “We are worthless slaves, we have done only what we ought to have done.”

Giving someone more than what he or she asked for is extra credit.

Doing more than has been agreed upon is extra credit.

Going beyond what is expected is extra credit.

You and I have many opportunities to strive for extra credit. Will we seize these?


Gracious God, we thank You for all those who go the extra mile … or who do extra credit that have made our lives better. Enlarge our hearts so that we welcome the opportunity to do more than what has been agreed upon or is expected. Help us to do unto others as we would like them to do to us. In Christ’s name, we pray. Amen.

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