
Ev’ry morning is Easter morning
from now on!
Ev’ry day’s resurrection day,
the past is over and gone!

Goodbye guilt, goodbye fear, good riddance!
Hello Lord, Hello sun!
I am one of the Easter People!
My new life has begun! 


Daily news is so bad it seems the
Good News seldom gets heard.
Get it straight from the Easter People:
God’s in charge! Spread the word!


Yesterday I was bored and lonely;
but today look and see!
I belong to the Easter People!
Life’s exciting to me!

Ev’ry morning is Easter morning
from now on!
Ev’ry day’s resurrection day,
the past is over and gone!
Ev’ry morning is Easter morning,
Ev’ry morning is Easter morning,
Ev’ry morning is Easter morning
from now on!

By Donald S. Marsh; Richard K. Avery
Words © 1972 Hope Publishing Company, 380 S Main Pl, Carol Stream, IL 60188

For someone who never put in the work to really learn to read or play music, the tunes and the words to so many songs are joyfully stuck in my mind. That’s the way it is with this Avery and Marsh song from 1972.

My youth group experience included a gifted youth choir director and a guitar playing associate pastor. These two saints helped us teenage Easter people learn and live this song.


God, remind me that every morning is indeed a little Easter morning. With Jesus in my life, the past is over and gone. As a follower of Jesus, let this day be an exciting adventure of faith. In the Risen Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

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