Even when . . .?

Neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:39

I can just hear the children asking – even in the basement? Even when we are in an airplane? Even when we are at Grandma’s house? Even when we are sick? Even when something bad happens? Yes, no matter who or where we are, what we have done, God is still there for us.

The entire Romans Chapter 8 repeats this ‘Good News’ several times. I take comfort that in the current political arena of polarizing accusations and often strident declarations of righteousness, God’s words are a reminder to all that His abiding and steadfast love is offered to all who believe in Him.


Dear Lord, please grant us the vision and understanding to accept our differences and turn to Your words of abiding love when we might turn away from others in fear and hatred. Keep us all close to You in these days of uncertainly and change and help us to live our lives through the teachings of Your Good News. Amen.

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