In the year 2015, our pastors and program staff members shared some devotional thoughts with the congregation during the Lent and Easter season about hymns and songs that touched our lives in faith. Looking back to that time, I came across this devotion that I penned about an Easter song from way back in my youth. I want to offer it again as a focal point on this side of Easter. Rev. Sarah and I will be adding reflections on several more Easter songs in the coming days, as the message of Easter rings in our ears and from our lips.

In Christ, Steve Negley



Minds are tricky things, and it seems that music helps some words stick pretty well in some minds. That’s at least how my mind works. There are lyrics from old songs tucked pretty deep in my head, lyrics which sometimes jump forward to help me express what is in my soul. This is especially true at Easter.

I love Easter hymns, and lament that we just can’t fit enough into worship on Easter Sunday. This year I have been able to plan the community Easter Sunrise Service and our own church’s Easter services, so I have been able to pick 4 hymns (Jesus Christ is Risen Today, Thine Is the Glory, He Lives, Christ Arose) and then an Easter hymn response (Alleluia, Give Thanks) for us all to sing.

In searching my mind for songs for Easter, one great oldie has been springing through in bits and pieces. I have searched (in vain) on Google for the complete lyrics. I would call the elementary school chorus teacher who planted this song within me, but I think that nearly 50 years after I sat under her tutelage, she is probably celebrating her Easters next to Jesus in the kingdom. I have the tune down. Here are the words that I remember:

Birds are singing loud and clear,
on an Easter morning

Joyous Spring is here at last
on an Easter morning

Every new and sacred bloom
Spells the end of death and doom
Christ is risen from the tomb
on an Easter morning

That’s what many Easter songs celebrate. Death and doom are ended. New life is promised and comes to us in Jesus Christ. It’s a message that we followers, and all of nature too, seem to be glad to proclaim on Easter and each new day this side of the empty tomb.

It’s interesting to me how Paul, when he was wrapping us his discussion of the resurrection in I Corinthians chapter 15, quotes an old song he had once learned:

I Cor. 15:54-57

When this perishable body puts on imperishability,
and this mortal body puts on immortality, then the saying that is written will be fulfilled:

“Death has been swallowed up in victory.”
“Where, O death, is your victory?
Where, O death, is your sting?”

The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Birds, booming plants, and boisterous followers of God all join together in the good news of Easter – singing in their own way that Christ is risen from the tomb, and our life is filled with joy!


Wonderful God, you have given us a song to sing and good news to tell on Easter and beyond. Keep us celebrating your love each and every day. In the name of Christ our Risen Savior we pray. Amen.

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