Draw Us in the Spirit’s Tether ~ Hymn 529

Devotional Thoughts Based on the Glory to God Hymnal

Matthew 18:12

If a shepherd has a hundred sheep, and one of them has gone astray: does he not leave the ninety-nine on the mountains and go in search of the one that went astray?

Have you ever wondered how the ninety-nine sheep felt being left on the mountains while the shepherd went after the one sheep that went astray? Have you ever wondered how the sheep that went astray felt when it saw the shepherd, who had come looking for it? It is clear that the shepherd wanted all one hundred sheep to be together!

The opening line of this Communion Hymn suggest that any number less than the total is not satisfactory. “Draw us in the Spirit’s tether, for when humbly in your name two or three are met together, you are in the midst of them.” The shepherd would not be satisfied until he was reunited with all one hundred sheep.

A popular slogan during this Pandemic has been: “We are all in this together.” It is going to take all of us to defeat this virus – to follow the guidelines that have proven their effectiveness in prevention. God desires all of His family to be gathered together – to be complete!


Loving God, at one time or another we have been that sheep who strayed or who remained in the fold. We thank You for searching for us when we have wandered and for providing for all of our needs. Help us always to stay close to You, Divine Shepherd. Amen.

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