Draw Me Close to You

Reading through Matthew 6:16-18 offers me a time of true spiritual reflection. As you all have probably learned from these devotions, you learn more about the program staff of the church on a very personal level. I must admit, I have never fasted as part of my spiritual journey. I have given up different things such as sweets, TV, and taken on practices such as reading the Bible in 90 days. But when it comes to fasting, I’ve never been quite “brave enough.” Wondering how I could relate to these verses on fasting, I decided to talk to my husband, Joe, and gather his thoughts.

He explained to me that anytime during his life when he had fasted and prayed, God always came through with “big results.” He said because his prayers were answered in ways that he couldn’t even explain, it helped his faith to grow enormously. It wasn’t just a coincidence that something happened; he could tell this was God speaking. God always answered the way God wanted to answer, and Joe could feel and see the mountains of faith being moved, and God was wrapping him in His loving arms.

One thing about fasting that Jesus wanted to get across to the disciples, and now to us, is that it’s not a show. It’s not about us complaining, looking like we are hungry, and walking around all upset because we haven’t eaten anything. It’s all about Him and giving Him all honor and glory, not because it makes us look good, but because it brings us closer to Him. He knows us inside and out, and this special time should be a very private and spiritual matter. I’m not going to suggest that we all go out and fast this week. I honestly cannot do any type of food fast right now. However, I do believe that we need to spend some quiet time, some alone time in Bible study and prayer with our Lord. Let’s turn off our TV’s, put the phone down, log off the internet and let Him lead us – let Him draw us closer – and may our mountains of faith be moved closer to Him.


Lord of Everything, You provide us with our daily needs and we give you praise and glory. Help us to come to you, to spend quality time with You and help it to be all about You. May You, Oh Lord, receive all honor, praise, and glory. Amen.

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