Take a moment to think about it, do you ever do good just for the good of it, or do you do good because you are looking for others to notice ‘How good you are’! I feel sure that you have noticed this flaw, this visible sin, in others, but it’s more important how do you view yourself. The question needs to asked in your heart, why are you doing what you are? Is it to truly help another or because this good may make me look good?
To take a good look at the motivation of our act probably takes more effort than we think or believe it does. No one can really know what is going on in our heart; that is, why you do what you do, more than you can. That is, of course, except for God our Creator. So if we really want to know our own motivation for doing what we would consider good, we best look at it as God would.
To help us understand this lesson better is to read what our Lord Jesus has to point out to us. “But when you give alms, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your alms may be done in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you” v. 3-4. If we live by this axiom what better reward is there for doing good than to be seen by God? So may the good we are able to do for another be done only in the sight of our Loving and rewarding God and not for others to see.
Holy God, in the quiet and peace of my heart at this moment I can only give you my loving devotion and praise. Thank you Lord for receiving all that I do in your name. Amen.