Delightfully Fair Treatment

Once we have turned the corner in Proverbs from the lengthy (and profitable) discourse on the value and virtue of wisdom to the wisdom sayings themselves, I feel that we have gone from philosophical to practical.  Now we have short statements that prompt specific action.

A false balance is an abomination to the Lord,
but an accurate weight is his delight.
Proverbs 1:1

What does my faith have to do with commerce and trade?  Everything.

When we cheat someone in a deal using a false balance (something weighted in our favor) we have risked injuring our relationship with the person, and we have offended God.  Cheating others is an abomination to the Lord.  And yet when we deal in a fair manner with others, we actually delight our God.


Dear God, help me live today in such a way that is delightful for me, others, and You. Amen.

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