Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us ~ Hymn 187

Devotional Thoughts Based on the Glory to God Hymnal

Proverbs 8:17

I love those who love me; and those who seek me diligently find me.

One of the resolutions I made this New Year’s Day is to reduce the clutter around me at home and at the office. It will be no small feat; however, it will probably be a great time saver if I am able to do it. With the clutter around me, I often must spend considerable time searching for things I need. If I reduce my clutter, then I will be able to be better organized and thus to put my hand on what I need without a frenzied search. Please pray for me, because it is not easy, and I really would like to keep this resolution the remainder of 2020.

God is the One who relentlessly seeks us, when we go astray. “We are also encouraged to seek God, for if we seek God, then we shall surely find Him. Proverbs 8:17b.

Proverbs 17:a states, “I love those who love me.” In the hymn, verse 4, we read, “Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus, you have loved us love us still. Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus, You have loved us, love us still.” When we realize how we have sinned, may our prayer ever be: “Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus, You have loved us, love us still. Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus, You have loved us, love us still.”


O God, we thank You that You loved us first and always. When we sin and when we go astray remind us that You love us still. In Christ’s name, we pray. Amen.

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