Devotional Thoughts Based on the Glory to God Hymnal
Matthew 25:1-13
Keep awake therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour.
Matthew 25:13
Our scripture reading for today is Matthew 25:1-13. The hymn, Rejoice! Rejoice, Believers, is a musical retelling of ten bridesmaids waiting the return of the Bridegroom before going into the wedding feast. The Bridegroom was delayed and five of the bridesmaids were prepared while the other five’s oil ran short. The five wise bridesmaids could not share with the five who needed more oil for their lamps. Those five went to buy oil and while they were away the Bridegroom returned. He and the five women with oil in their lamps went into the banquet, shut the doors, and celebrated. The five foolish bridesmaids pleaded to come in and alas the bridegroom refused their request as he did not know them. As the ten bridesmaids did not know when the Bridegroom would return five were prepared and the other five were not. Just as the bridesmaids did not know when the Bridegroom would return, so we do not know when Jesus will return. We know not the day or the hour and so, we, like the wise bridesmaids, need keep awake and watch for His return.
The Glory to God commentator has noted:
The Latin original of this text based on the parable of the wise and foolish maidens (Matthew 25:1-13) consisted of ten stanzas, but this briefer version is more appropriate for its message of urgency. It is set to a spirited minor Welsh tune named for a Pembrokeshire village.
Dealing as we are with the COVID 19 virus, racism, destruction of property and landmarks, and violence, I am sure we pray, “Come, Lord Jesus!” Even so we do not know the day or the hour of Christ’s return, but we do know He will come to judge and set things right. Praise the Lord!
O Lord, keep us awake and watching for Your return. In Christ’s name, we pray. Amen.