I Want to Be Like Paul

 For two whole years Paul stayed there in his own rented house and welcomed all who came to see him. He proclaimed the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ—with all boldness and without hindrance! Acts 29:30-31

If you’re like me, you may have thought that the book of Acts ended rather abruptly. I turned the page, not expecting to see Romans start up instantly. I wanted more. I needed to read more about Paul. I wanted to follow longer in his footsteps. Walking through the books of Acts chapter by chapter has given me hope, faith, and encouragement during some difficult times. Paul’s faith gives me faith. I have enjoyed this journey and I hope you have too!

It’s very interesting that Paul stayed in a rented home for 2 years. He didn’t go anywhere, but folks came to him and he continued to do what God wanted him to do – preach the Gospel. Once again, Paul didn’t complain, he just followed through with what God wanted him to do. Paul wrote letters, commonly called his Prison Letters, to the Ephesians, Colossians, and Philippians – letters that have impacted millions of believers down through the centuries.

When reading through my footnotes at the bottom of my Bible, it reminds us, the book of Acts is not about the life of Paul, it’s about the spread of the Gospel. Now that the Gospel had been preached and established at the center of trade and government, it would spread across the world.

Now it’s up to us friends, to continue on Paul’s journey, spreading the Gospel, preaching His word and bringing others to Christ.


Father God help us to be like the Apostle Paul, spreading Your word everywhere we go. Help us not to complain, get frustrated, or doubt when You call us out of our comfort zones. Help us Lord to be Your people always. Amen.

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