Reflections on Psalm 63
What I once thought was an interest, has now almost become an obsession – I like to eat and drink. I went through decades in my life where water was my beverage of choice. In the past few years, though, I have allowed myself to get back to some of the sugary drinks from my younger days (Mountain Dew, Dr. Pepper, Cheerwine, and Sundrop), and I am finding that I crave them all the more. On the food front, especially when I am travelling for business or pleasure, I can still be wrapping up one meal while I am wondering or planning the menu for the next. (I have been worrying about this current culinary phase in my life, but I think it will all be manageable if I can just get exercising. That will have to work, because I can’t imagine not eating what I want when I want.)
I am drawn to these things in my life, and so I do understand the concepts of hungering and thirsting. The Psalmist used those terms in describing his relationship with God.
O God, You are my God, I seek You, my soul thirsts for You, my flesh faints for You.
Because Your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise You.
My soul is satisfied as with a rich feast, and my mouth praises You with joyful lips …
for You have been my help.
David penned these words while he was in the wilderness of Judah. At that time, water and food were scarce, so the thought of his soul “thirsting” for God and then being satisfied “as with a rich feast” would have been vibrantly rich.
Is my longing for God as strong as my passion for food and drink? Have I paused at least three times each day to consider what God has done for me? (I pause that often, or more, to focus on what I am planning to put into my mouth.) What sweet tastes am I missing if I don’t take the time to be close to God?
God, help me to think about Your steadfast love, and how much You long to help me. Let my soul thirst a little more for that which will truly satisfy, Your deepening presence in my life. In Christ’s name I pray.