Devotions on Emotions (and Scripture) by the First Pres. Pastors
A reflection on Mark 5:21-34
Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace and be healed of your disease.
It was the summer of 2006; I had just completed my first year of seminary at Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary and I was in the midst of an internship at my home congregation in Marysville, Ohio. And as I sat down to think about where I would go in my first sermon and what scripture text may be speaking to this congregation, I remember looking deeper at this text from Mark. So many questions came to mind and the one I really wrestled with was why wasn’t this woman named?
We learn so much about her in these verses. From her medical history and the strength of her faith to approach Jesus. We read of her immediate healing and Jesus’ recognition that something had changed. We can picture this woman approaching Jesus after the fact, trembling in fear, and even falling to the ground at his feet. Then that powerful statement is made by Jesus, “daughter, your faith has made you well.” And yet, we do not know her name, but we know just how ill she is and how long she has been suffering.
Maybe you know someone like that? Maybe you have been that person at one time? Maybe you feel like it now? That moment when you are no longer your name but the sickness that has high-jacked your body. The illness that no medical professional, pill, or alternative cure actually heals. You are SICK. No longer Sarah or Daniel or …. And we understand the desperation of this woman, to reach that point when nothing else matters but getting some relief, something, reaching out and touching the hem of Jesus’ cloak.
And she got back her name. I remember learning of the early church building a legend around this woman, naming her Veronica. The power her story of faith and Jesus’ healing that claimed this woman once again as Daughter I hope also can be of strength to you in whatever sickness you face as well.
Lord, we too, wish to just reach out with the confidence that just a touch of faith can make us whole as well. Heal us, Christ Jesus. Claim us again as Your sons and daughters, Merciful God. Amen