In the Bible, the role of deacon is demonstrated as certain disciples direct their talents to hands-on ministry with the widows and the orphans in the early church. In the Book of Order of the Presbyterian Church (USA), the office of deacon is explained as an outgrowth of such caring. In the questions for ordination that all ministers, elders, and deacons answer as they begin their service to Christ in the church, the one question unique to the office of deacon is:
Book of Order, W-4.4003
Will you be a faithful deacon, teaching charity, urging concern, and directing the people’s help to the friendless and those in need? In your ministry will you try to show the love and justice of Jesus Christ?
Together, the Deacons administer the local benevolence portion of our church budget, and serve as our church’s point of contact with various community ministries. This year, the Deacons’ Funds are supporting Meals on Wheels, The Mission, Anchor House, Angels Care Center, Girls Inc, Habitat for Humanity, Project Love, Polk Training Center, Salvation Amry, and the Haley Center in the great Winter Haven area, and then the Pastors’ Fund and our First Presbyterian Church local missions. The Deacons also oversee our Bag Lunch Ministry, Saturday Soup Kitchen, and Saturday Nite Live here at First Pres.
The funding for much of the work of the Deacons comes from the tithes and offerings that each of us contribute to God’s work here at First Presbyterian Church. The work of each of the Deacons is a labor of love in service to their Lord Jesus Christ. We thank and praise God for how each of our Deacons has answered the call to ministry, in serving God in this way.
God, help each of us live lives of love, compassion, and care as we follow the example of our Deacons in reaching out to your children in love. Amen.