Claimed By God

“No power in the sky above or in the earth below-indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:39

I love God’s word because I can read the same verse several times in my life and each time God allows those words to seep into my heart in new and different ways to speak truth into my life. I love that in times of sadness and unrest, Romans 8:39 can reassure and bring comfort in the knowledge that NOTHING can separate me from God’s love. Likewise, in times of peace and tranquility these same words can give me courage and strength for the tough times to come.

I can always be found scouring the internet for youth lessons or scripture to build a lesson on. During these times I have one goal and that is to teach the youth something new and magnificent about the God we serve. In this process God always, always shows ME something new and magnificent about Him. We were talking at youth group last week about something we were thankful for and I couldn’t help but be thankful that God never leaves me right where I am in my walk with Him. He stretches me and moves my heart closer to His each time I read scripture and eagerly seek His will through those words that He so carefully put in the Bible for us read. I am thankful that no matter how raw and exposed it makes me feel that when I ask God to break my heart for what breaks His, He does. That often means that I have to give up things that I thought made me happy to seek the things that God knows will make me happy. In those times when I feel broken and I am going through a season of unrest because I know God is working on this broken and sinful heart of mine, I find reassurance in Romans 8:39. Suddenly the things of this life that take up way too much space in my heart and take me away from God seem so insignificant because NOTHING can separate me from the love of God. Nothing.


Gracious and Almighty God, I pray that each day I remember that I am Your child. Nothing can separate me from Your love. I am claimed by You and because if that I can receive Your undeserved grace. In Jesus Name, Amen.

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