
So after they had fasted and prayed, they placed their hands on them and sent them off. Acts 13:3

Here we are hundreds of years later and the church continues to send members to spread the good news! I am blessed to have the opportunity to join the Honduran mission trip this year and so excited to be a part of the Honduran trip commissioning during the Sunday service. I truly thank our congregation for the support and prayers that you give to this mission. Why do I go? And the disciples were filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit. Acts 13:52 Honduras is such a poor nation and is such a deep hole of needs that what we are able to give physically to the Honduran people is a drop in the bucket. Although we can’t meet all the physical needs of the people, I do believe strongly that what we bring to Honduras in our fellowship of Christian love grows tenfold with each individual we contact. From our smile pile resources, to the care of the physicians that we are able to bring out to the villages, we are definitely showing God’s love and living the mission as God intended. We are all a part of this mission, whether you travel to other countries, help with the soup kitchen or lend a hand with Christian Education and use your talent in musical praise, we are all in service to the Lord.


Dear Lord, thank You for providing the many opportunities to serve You through mission. Please guide us as we make decisions on where we are needed to best serve in Your name.

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