A Nativity for the Kids

Mary Ellen Rowker wanted a durable nativity to teach her children about Jesus’ birth. 

Mary Ellen wanted a nativity set that would be durable so that her children, George and Melissa, could learn the story and not be concerned with breakage. The nativity is still intact as another generation; granddaughter, Riley, and grandson, William; learns the story and arranges the figures.

Mary Ellen writes, “When my children were one and three years old, I wanted to get a nativity scene for our home. I wanted it to be kid friendly and not something I would have to caution them about breaking. I wanted them to learn the Christmas story and be able to use the characters to act it out. I found a pattern that I liked and could sew, embroider, fill with polyfil, insert a cardboard base, and it could stand freely when even little hands were handling it. It was placed by the Christmas tree so the children could have access to it at all times over the holidays. For years my children would set up the scene themselves and change the arrangement as they grew up.

My granddaughter has now taken over setting it up every year. For her this is one of her Christmas traditions she truly enjoys doing. She has also added an additional sheep to the flock that she made in Sunday School.”

Scripture: Matthew 1:18-25

Thought for the Day: Do you remember being taught to be careful around one item or certain items in your childhood home? They were breakable! Keeping your distance was good for the safety of the item(s), but didn’t you always feel uneasy about them? Being able to touch and handle makes things more familiar!

Prayer: O God, we thank You for the durability of the Christmas story and for nativity sets that are teaching tools. We have read the Story over and over and know it by heart. Many of us have enjoyed moving the figures of our nativity sets around … placing them in different positions to and distances from the Baby Jesus. “Be near us Lord Jesus we ask You to stay close by us forever and love us we pray.” Amen.


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