Crown Him with Many Crowns ~ Hymn 268

Devotional Thoughts Based on the Glory to God Hymnal

Matthew 25:31-40

When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him, then He will sit on the throne of His glory. All the nations will be gathered before Him,…

Matthew 25:31-32a

On my last trip to Europe when I visited London, there was one sight I missed. It was going to the Tower of London to see the crown Jewels. Now I have seen pictures of them and have admired their beauty: the crown with its maroon velvet and ermine trim, the gold framework, and all the gems adorning the crown: diamonds, emeralds, pearls rubies, and sapphires. Of course, the crown jewels also include the scepter and the orb. They are exquisite, and these beauties belong to England alone. Other monarchies and royal families also have their own chests of crown jewels.

Of course, Elizabeth II can only wear one crown or tiara at a time, but each one is beautiful as are the crown jewels of other nations.

Our text speaks of the Great Judgment and Jesus, seated on His throne of glory, and before Him are gathered all the nations. With them we can imagine them having brought their crown jewels and waiting there anxiously to see Jesus don the crown of their nation. He is their king too! Where once His brow wore a crown of thorns, now He will wear crown after crown of the most precious metals and gems their nation has to offer. Jesus is crowned with many crowns and His praise shall never, never fail throughout eternity.


God of grace and God of glory, we bow before You longing to see You crowned with the best this earth has to offer and the unending praise of those who have loved You in word and in deed. In Christ’s name, we pray. Amen.

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