Proverbs 30:29-31

29 Three things are stately in their stride;
four are stately in their gait:
30 the lion, which is mightiest among wild animals
and does not turn back before any;
31 the strutting rooster,[
d] the he-goat,
and a king against whom none can stand.

Depending on the English translation of the Bible we choose to use for our devotional reading, the cock/rooster is mentioned a dozen times in the New Testament (all concerning Jesus’ statement to Peter that before this bird crows in the morning, Peter will have sadly denied his Lord and Savior). And the rooster is mentioned once in the Old Testament. Here, in the book of Proverbs, the rooster is described as stately in its stride. The rooster takes its place along with a king, a he-goat, and a lion.

We know the rooster as the morning herald. Recently, in Honduras, I heard a rooster announcing the start of a new day. I didn’t see him strut, but he seemed proud to be one of the first creatures to give thanks for the sunrise. I should be proud to join in also praising God for each new day.


Wonderful God, let me take my place today as one who gives you the praise due for making me and all that surrounds me. I’m proud to be one of your creatures. Amen.

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