Confession Banner: Brief Statement of Faith

THE CROSS: A rainbow of colors representing the celebration of unity with the diversity of cultures and races living in Christ.

THE BLUE BACKGROUND: Symbolizes the universe as the light of the Word of God bringing us together.

THE EARTH: Cracks symbolizing our divisiveness and diversity, yet the faith we confess unites us with the one universal Church.

THE SECURE HANDS OF GOD: Remind us that he who holds our world together in turmoil will unite us in grace of Jesus Christ. This is the foundation of our knowledge of God’s sovereign love and our living together in the Holy Spirit.

THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (U.S.A.) – Symbol of a Brief Statement of Faith has a prominent position on this banner. This symbol represents the descending dove of peace and the baptism of Christ. The open Bible symbol is the Word of God. The Font recalls the Sacrament of Baptism, while the table image recalls the other Sacraments of Communion, the Last Supper, and the pulpit as the preaching of the Word. The flames represent the burning bush and Pentecost. The overall image suggests the human figure with stretched out arms.


In life and in death, God, I belong to You. Through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit I trust in You, whom alone I worship and serve. Let me demonstrate that trust each day, as I study Your Word and live according to Your will. Amen.

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