Christmas Eve Morning

Punkin Smith’s nativity set has graced her formal dining room table for twenty years.

Punkin tells us that the nativity set was made by Florence Davis of assorted fabrics that were stiffened so that the figures could take shape. She purchased Mary, Joseph and the Baby Jesus first. Then she began adding a piece per year for six years … a shepherd, wise men, angels. A red headed angel flies beneath the chandelier. The nativity set is displayed only during the Christmas season.

As you may have noticed in the first photograph there are many sheep. Punkin has been a sheep collector for more than thirty years and these too are added to the scene. The 200+ sheep, made of ceramic, felt, fur, wood, wool and yarn, were either purchased by Punkin or received as gifts.

Scripture: Luke 2:1-7

Thought for the Day: Did you know that Bethlehem means “house of bread”? There is a hymn entitled: Down to Earth, as a Dove that has these lyrics: “Christ the Lord comes to feed, Hungry people in need; In the house there is bread: Jesus in a stable, In the church a table.”

Prayer: Gracious God, we thank You for Your son Jesus and that He came to feed hungry people in need. We thank You for our daily bread and for the spiritual food we receive from Him in the bread of life and the cup of salvation. Grant that the physical and spiritual food we receive from Your bounty may always strengthen us for Your service. In Christ’s name, we pray. Amen.


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