December 5
Matthew 1:18-25
We always went to my Uncles house for Christmas Eve. There we would have a meal as a family and then exchange our gifts with everyone. When all those festivities were over, we would head to church. I have always loved going to Christmas Eve candlelight services. Walking into a church and seeing it bathed in the glow of candles takes my breath away. Then when you add a choir dressed in their robes and singing old favorite carols, that is just about as close to heaven as you can get! I loved seeing everyone dressed in their Christmas finery. The ladies in dresses, usually with gloves and the men in their suits. The altar was filled with poinsettias and the minister would be in a pulpit that was raised above the parishioners. He would tell the Christmas story and we would sing more Christmas music. I always would pray that it would be snowing when we headed home, just to make the evening perfect to a little girl. After we left church, we would drive through one of the manufacturing companies that had a very large circular drive with different Christmas scenes all around it. I loved the little houses lit up, the Santa’s workshop, and the church scene. By this time, it was getting pretty late and hard for a little girl to keep her eyes open. Somebody would usually have to carry me into the house and get me tucked in bed. As I have grown, some of the wonder of the night has left since I now know how much work goes into hosting Christmas Eve, but the beauty and feeling of my church on that night is still with me and I look forward to it each year.
~ Rose Flynn
Dear God, because it is the most wonderful time of the year, it is difficult to name just a few of our favorite things. Thank You for Jesus and all the experiences and the memories of Christmas that are dear to our hearts. Amen.