Christ is Risen!

“He is not here’ for He is risen, as He said. Come; see the place where the Lord lay.”
Matthew 28:6

Easter has to be the best and most worshipful time on the Christian calendar. I’m sure that you all agree with me because of the message of Good News that Easter brings to us, and perhaps even more the hymns that we sing together during Lent and then Easter Morning. Something that I discovered in research of my favorite Easter Hymn was that Charles Wesley wrote “Christ the Lord Is Risen Today.” It was a close contest but it is this glorious hymn which came out on top.

I just love the message found in this magnificent hymn, and how it is expressed. The way the author Charles Wesley wrote each verse with the end sung as part of worship just simply lifts all in the hall to be inspired and filled with joy. The joyous “Alleluia” at the end of each line we are told was not included by Wesley but was added by a believer who was so inspired to add them.

Hallelujah” comes from the early ancient Hebrew worship service and was a common expression of faith and praise as it was sung in the church. The story is told that Jerome, who was a leader in the early Christian church, wrote that when this hymn was sung in his day that the very ceilings in the houses of worship were lifted up with the singing of the “Hallelujahs”.

Charles Wesley what an inspiration he is to all of us who love our Lord and Savior. I pray that you too as you read the message that Wesley passed on to us, will be deeply moved and inspired in this glorious season of the Church.

Christ the Lord is risen today!” Alleluia! All creation, join to say: Alleluia!

Raise your joys and triumphs high, Alleluia! Sing, O heavens, and earth reply, Alleluia!


O blessed and loving Lord God, through the faith of others, we are able to grow and share our living faith with others. Thank You for inspiring people as Charles Wesley that they may bring us also into Your Saving Grace. For it’s in Christ’s Name we pray. Amen.

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