Every week in the Tower Chimes we have at least 2-4 pages dedicated to “Celebrating Generosity” at First Presbyterian Church. In those articles we highlight our various ministries and how our members and friends are extremely generous all throughout the year with their time, talents, energy, and helping us to fund various programs and events. The church would not be able to function, at least not very successfully without everyone’s generosity.
There are folks who get up early on Saturday mornings to pick up bakery items from Publix for the Soup Kitchen. Later in the day, there are folks that spend their Saturday afternoons making sure that everyone who comes to the Soup Kitchen is fed a delicious meal. On any given weekday you can find volunteers packing bag lunches for our Bag Lunch Ministry. There are several volunteers who give of their time teaching Sunday school, Christ Kids, Vacation Bible School, Youth Groups, and helping to lead other educational programs around the church every week. Dedicated church members and friends help to “fold and stuff” the Tower Chimes, helping them arrive in your mailbox in a timely manner, while others make sure the bulletins are ready to go each Sunday. We have generous volunteers helping to usher, deliver bread, pick up those who are unable to drive themselves to church, and who share their gift of music by singing in the choir. Numerous volunteers give their time serving on Committees, helping all of the various activities of the church to come together. There are so many people who generously give of their time, so that we can offer vibrant and life-changing ministries at First Presbyterian Church. We are truly blessed by the amazing generosity of our members and friends. We have an incredible staff but we could not do all of this without each and every one of you. Thank you for Celebrating Generosity with us each and every week in the life of the church.
We read in 1 Timothy 6:18-19, (NIV) “18 Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. 19 In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life.” By being generous with our time, talents, energy, and resources, we are storing for ourselves treasures in Heaven and also helping to spread God’s love to those here in Winter Haven and beyond. We thank you for your amazing generosity!
Father of all things, you have blessed us more than we can imagine and now we are able to take those blessings and share them with others. Help us to be generous of our time, talents, resources, energy, and to shine Your light everywhere we go. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.