Canterbury Carolers

December 14

Luke 2:13-14

Mike and I sing in a group called the Canterbury Carolers. This group started about ten years ago with the Harris family and the Doty family, Susie Stanley, and a couple of friends. We thought it would be fun to get together, sing some madrigal music, wear some costumes, and see if Disney was interested in our singing at one of their resorts. They were. Since then, we have been fortunate enough to sing for the guests of a Disney resort at least once a year, and sometimes twice. Last year we sang at the Nazarene church for Lakeland Lights.

Over the years, our personnel has changed, and some of our music has changed. What hasn’t changed is that one of my favorite things to do during the Christmas season is to get dressed up in a fancy costume, perform with some wonderful musicians, and sing songs that celebrate the birth of Christ.

~ Cheryce D. Harris


God of Grace, we thank You for inviting us to sing a new song and for the desire to sing in harmony. Music is such a wonderful part of Christmas, bells pealing, orchestras playing, choirs singing and the invitation for all to join in caroling. Accept our thanks for music introduced by the angels at Jesus’s birth and for the joyful task of all praising You; for Christ’s sake. Amen.


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