“But the fruit of the Sprit is …faithfulness ….”, Galatians 5:22 (NRSV)

For years the timepiece I wore on my left wrist was a Swiss Army Watch. I appreciated its good looks and features.  I liked the red bezel that encircled the face, the numbers and the date.  I liked the black casing and the leather and web wristband.  As handsome as it was, it was a very good watch … keeping accurate time until the battery died.  Within the last two years my watch found itself in the repair shop.  First, I thought it was just a battery.  Later it became apparent that there was a different problem.  The works were replaced twice and it still lost time.  A watch just keeping pretty good time is not a dependable watch.  Though it has a sentimental value and I will keep it, I no longer wear the watch because I cannot rely upon it to keep good time.

People describe a “fair weather friend” as one who is eager to share the good times with you, but is nowhere to be found when you are hurting … in need … or in trouble.  “Fair weather friends” will not remain with you through thick and thin.  A “fair weather friend” exhibits limited loyalty.  A “fair weather friend” is fairly faithful … you can sometimes depend upon him … and she may often be reliable, but you never know for sure if he or she will come through for you.

Dependable, loyal and reliable are synonyms for faithful. That’s the kind of friend I try to be and if I have any success at doing so, it is only by the power of the Holy Spirit and my desire to emulate our Lord Jesus Christ, our Best Friend who has said, “I will never fail you nor forsake you.”

All of us can claim as our own the Best Friend who will always be faithful to us. We are blessed when we can name among our friends … some who are always dependable, faithful, loyal and reliable.  We can be a blessing to others as we prove to be their friends exhibiting those same wonderful characteristics.


O God, great is your faithfulness! While the seasons change you are ever faithful.  As you have been that faithful friend to us, so we would like to be that kind of a friend to others.  Guard us from ever being viewed as a “fair weather friend.”  Help us always to be faithful and loyal, dependable and reliable.  In Jesus’ name, we pray.  Amen.


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