Matthew 5:3

“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Jesus begins the opening section of this famous sermon by telling His followers that “the poor in spirit are happy and blessed, for the kingdom of God is theirs.”

I’ve read that verse hundreds of times in my life, but it hasn’t always brought me happiness, contentment, or even clarity.

How could my lack of spiritual treasures (or spirituality) lead me to a secure place in God’s kingdom? (Shouldn’t I be trying to excel in holy pursuits if I’m going to grab the spiritual gold ring?)

Isn’t acting more holy what places me closer to my God and King, and above all other sinners?

Isn’t living a godly life all about me?

OR, is the kingdom of God the place where I find myself dwelling when I realize that it’s more about God than me?

Somewhere along the line in my Christian life, I needed some clarification on this passage. There was a time when I was working so hard to be good, only to become a work-righteous and somewhat pompous, judgmental child of God. It was then that I read a different interpretation of this passage:

Blessed are those who know their spiritual poverty —- for their will discover their place in God’s kingdom.

That approach makes me humble (rather than entitled) when I approach God’s throne. When I know what don’t know about being good; when I realize that I fall short of God’s glory; then I am ready to be claimed by God’s grace in Jesus. And I find my home in God’s love.

Blessed are those who realize their own need for God ……..


God, let me accept the love that you freely offer. Let me be hungry for what you are willing to show me, as I follow Jesus each day. Amen.

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