Being Kind to Critters

The righteous know the needs of their animals,
but the mercy of the wicked is cruel.

Proverbs 12:10

I thought about one friend in particular when I saw a sign in a craft store in the mountains that read “I Work So That My Cat Can Have a Better Life.”

In my life I have known lots of folks who take really good care of their animals. When I think of this group as a whole, I guess I could call them “righteous.” The writer of Proverbs said that the wicked are cruel (and the cruel are probably wicked.) But the righteous know the needs of their animals.

How we treat God’s creatures may well be a reflection of something within our souls.


Dear God, help me to live right and show kindness and mercy to all the creatures You place along my path today as I wander this world as Your child and Christ’s disciple. Amen.

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