Beautiful Dreamer

Genesis 39:20 – 41:57

Talking about a couple of his dreams had landed Joseph in a pit. Much late in life, helping others to understand their dreams was Joseph’s ticket out of jail and to the job of his dreams.

Where the Bible spends nearly three chapters on this story, the Spark Story Bible covers it in 6 short pages (pages covered with some large, catchy illustrations).

Here’s how they wrap it up in the last two pages:

God helped Joseph, and Joseph could tell the pharaoh what his dreams meant. “They mean that for seven years Egypt will have plenty of food. Then there will be seven years where there is not enough, and people will go hungry.”

The pharaoh knew something had to be done! He put Joseph in charge of the whole country! Joseph saved food for seven years, getting ready for the years when there would be a shortage of food. When there wasn’t enough food in many countries, the people of Egypt had plenty! God had helped Joseph know what needed to be done. With God’s help and love, Joseph did well – even through the worst of times.

 It was a story decades in the making, but the dreams that God shared with Joseph did come true. In the best of times, and the worst of times, it is a tale of waiting patiently for God.


Dear God, help me to trust Your promises, and to patiently wait for how Your love and care will be revealed in my life. Amen.

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