Bartimaeus Sees

Mark 10:46-52

How do you get someone’s attention? An infant cries and the parent or other caregiver must analyze the situation to determine what is wrong or what the infant needs.

Later, a toddler may call out “Mommy!” or “Daddy!” while tugging on a pants’ leg or sleeve.

Later, in school the child is taught to raise his or her hand to get the teacher’s attention. When the teacher acknowledges the child, then he or she may make his or her request known.

Later, in a setting with many people, the person may shout out to get the attention of the speaker. If this does not work, the person might employ clapping of hands, a whistle or some other noisemaker too disrupt what the speaker is saying so that the person can address the speaker. If others in the area object, they may try to persuade the person to desist from shouting. The person may have to cast away intimidation and shyness and shout out all the more, if he or she is to get the designated person’s attention.

One day Jesus and His disciples were leaving Jericho and were bound for Jerusalem. A blind beggar by the name of Bartimaeus sat by the side of the road. Bartimaeus had heard of Jesus and the miracles He had performed. When Bartimaeus heard that Jesus was among the throng, he shouted out, “Jesus, please help me!” He thought this might just be his last opportunity to have his eyesight restored.

Many of the people with Jesus were upset that Bartimaeus was interrupting them and yelled back, ‘Be quiet! Stop bothering Jesus!’ But Bartimaeus knew that Jesus could help him so he shouted even louder.”

“Jesus gently said, ‘Tell the blind man to come to me.’” The crowd relayed the message to Bartimaeus, and he quickly made his way to Jesus.

“What do you want me to do for you? Jesus asked kindly. Bartimaeus, whose faith in Jesus was very strong, said, ‘Please help me see again.” Jesus did not even need to touch Bartimaeus. In a firm voice Jesus said, “Go Bartimaeus! Because you believe in me your eyes are healed.

Once again, his eyesight to a world of beauty and wonder was restored to him. He was elated, joined the crowd and followed Jesus.


Dear Lord, help us never to take for granted the precious gift of sight. Startle us with beauties and wonders we have never seen. This day we pray for all who have vision problems and we give thanks for the advancements in medicine that can resolve many visual issues. We pray for those who are blind and those with diminished sight. Reassure them of Your love for and abiding presence with them. We also pray for those who show compassion and use their medical skills to improve or restore sight. In the name of Jesus, our Savior and Lord, we pray. Amen.

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