Author name: sbishop

Daily Devotional


Prayer Ever-present Lord, through the words of scripture we encounter Your Son, the Way, the Truth and the Light. We hear His words and see His life where He healed […]

Daily Devotional


Prayer Omnipotent God, in the rumble of thunder and the crash of lightning we stand in awe of Your unquestionable power. We see the waters rush and hear the wind

Daily Devotional


Prayer Gracious and merciful Lord, when we experience You running out to embrace us with love, we have expected to beg for Your mercy. Yet You truly forgive, 110% and

Daily Devotional


Prayer Holy and most blessed Lord, You alone are holy and worthy of our praise. It is through Your life of blessing and being a blessing to others that You

Daily Devotional


Prayer God of the Whirlwind and the hiss of lizards, You find ways both big and small to breakthrough and get our attention. You speak in unexpected ways that shake

Daily Devotional


Prayer Ever Present Lord, we wait and we wait, we wonder and scan the horizon for signs of Your kingdom, for assurances that we are not alone. May we have

Daily Devotional


Prayer Gracious Lord, as we thirst for Your living water to sustain us Lenten days, may the sips of water, tea, or glittery coffee quench us a little as we

Daily Devotional


The Acts of the Apostles 2:1-12 When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush

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