An Epistle from the Hand of James, the Brother of Jesus

Thank goodness we are not as “men of old”, living along side Christ himself, and making a serious effort to be fully like him. The reason why I think this? I have found out that living close together allows us to see the bad side as well as the good of family and friends. I am sorry to say that my wife and children, living with me saw all sides of me as a person, the good as well as the bad.

In the time of James, though he was known as a brother of Jesus, it seems as if he himself was not living Christ’s teaching as expected. As the epistle reveals;

If any think they are religious, and do not bridle their tongues but deceive their hearts, their religion is worthless. James 1:26.

I often tell not only my family but my friends as well, I am not perfect, only Christ himself was perfect. Therefore, pattern yourself after Jesus and not me, as I myself attempt to do; and as Christ did, we will love all people.

Jesus is the source of all Christian teachings, for those who lived in His world as well as those of us living in our world. Who of us today are without fault? If you will, please accept my personal confession, I have not always lived my life as the Christian I preach about should. It is not an easy task for most of us.

We are told that many refused to believe, because those who were trying to teach did not bridle their tongues, therefore their religion is worthless. Even though this letter came from the hand of James, brother to Jesus, from the way he lived we are safe to wonder can this be what Christ would have us live.


Our Lord God, though our ways are not fully Your way, Father, may we receive Your divine forgiveness, as a special blessing every day, given not earned. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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