An Alphabet of Gratitude: M

I am thankful for music.

Psalm 100:1-2

Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth.
2 Worship the Lord with gladness;
 come into God’s presence with singing.

Holy Holy Holy (the first hymn in our Glory to God Hymnal.)
10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord, O My Soul) One of our praise band songs by Matt Redman
Rock and Roll Never Forgets (Bob Seger)
Right on the Money (Alan Jackson)

I find myself singing along with hundreds of songs, and as I do I can’t help but smile. My parents gave me a portable 8 track player/boom box for a high school graduation present. Teresa and I joined the Columbia Tape Club to buy cassettes for our car stereo when we were newly married. I have moved on to CD’s for my listening pleasure. I haven’t quite figured out streaming, but I can still fall back to the AM/FM radio in most of my vehicles. And nothing can stop me from whistling.

I thank God for the gift of music.


Thank you, God, for giving us voices to raise in praise. Thank you for musical talents and the joy that comes as our hearts and souls soar in song. Let me celebrate my life today in your presence with music. Amen.

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