
Adult Faith Formation and Fellowship Opportunities
From Sunday morning Sunday School classes to fellowship events there are opportunities to deepen your faith. Please check our most current newsletter, the TowerChimes to confirm class schedules and to see any new offerings.
Adult Faith – Sunday School Class
9:00 a.m – 9:50 a.m. | Sundays
Using video-based or seasonal short-term studies, this class meets to discuss and learn from each other. This class meets in the Christian Education Building’s Geneva Room. Please see the latest addition of the TowerChimes for the most current study.
Men’s Lunch Group
12:00 p.m – 1:00 p.m. | Tuesdays
Each Tuesday the men of the church gather from 12:00-1:00 for lunch together. This fellowship group offers men an opportunity to build friendships and grow in faith. This meeting is hybrid, so contact the church office to be added to the weekly email and ZOOM link.
Presbyterian Women
A Circle of the Women of First Presbyterian Church gather monthly for a morning coffee fellowship or a luncheon meeting. In addition, there are several programs that are part of Presbyterian Women. Contact the church office for more information.
See our homepage or the Tower Chimes for our next date and time.
FunTimers is a fellowship group for adults 55 and beyond that meets most months year round for lunch and a program.
Book Club
See the Tower Chimes for our latest book.
The Book Club meets at 3pm Mondays every other month in the back of McLeod Hall for discussion. Contact the church office for more information or see the latest newsletter for their next meeting.