A Squeaky Wheel and a Nagging Widow

…because this widow keeps bothering me, I will grant her justice, so that she may not wear me out by continually coming.
Luke 18:5

It is an old adage: “The squeaky wheel gets the grease.” Sooner or later the rider of the vehicle will not be able to tolerate the annoying sound any longer. He or she will get off, find some grease or oil and will lubricate the wheel so that it is quieter, or better yet not making any noise as one rides away.

Today Jesus tells a parable: about a judge, living in a certain city, who neither feared God, nor had any respect for people. In this city there was a widow who kept coming to the judge pleading, “Give me justice against my opponent.” Day after day the nagging widow presented her case and renewed her cry for justice. Though the judge did not fear God or respected people, he decided to grant her justice to keep her from bothering him.

While the judge granted the widow justice because she came to the judge daily, we learn that God will be even more ready to grant the requests of His children who petition Him day and night. God will not delay in answering the prayers of those who present their petitions to Him.

How eager are we for God to answer our prayers? Do we lift up to God those concerns that lay heavy upon our hearts? Does God know by the number of times we petition, Him how much we desire something, or how earnestly we desire for His will to be done?


Dear Lord, the unjust judge is not a fine example, but we do learn that he relented in granting her request so that she would quit bothering him. We thank You that You long to hear our prayers and that through our repetitions we demonstrate how much we long for our prayers to be answered. Though we desire certain outcomes, help us always to pray “Thy will be done” as did Your Son Jesus, in whose name we pray. Amen.  

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