A Millennium Ornament

Janet Howard’s nativity ornament dates back to the start of a new millennium. 

Janet writes, “Here is a Christmas ornament which has been placed on our Christmas tree since 1999/2000. It is part of Lenox The Millennium Nativity Ornament Collection.

Our Christmas tree is adorned with ornaments which have been collected over the past 43 years, each representing a special gift, place or person.

The millennium ornament is a reminder of the unconditional love our Heavenly Father has given His people for over 2000 years.

Scripture: Hebrews 13:8

Thought for the Day: If you can remember before January 1, 2000, dawned there was considerable concern about Y2K and our computers. Fortunately many of the problems envisioned did not materialize. It is now 2015 and Jesus saw us through that time just as He will into the future.

Prayer: Blessed Lord, we praise and thank You that You are the same yesterday, today and forever. We are so grateful that You are Emmanuel … “God with us” and that we can face the future with confidence because You live. Amen.


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