A Message from God

Moses was preparing the Israelites for entering the Promised Land. They were excited about this new country that God was giving them. The people wondered how they would remember God when they arrived in the new homeland. Moses told the Israelites:

“Teach your children about God at home, when you go places, at bedtime and in the morning. Remember we belong to God.”

In other words. their entire living would be God-focused. The Westminster Shorter Catechism affirms that the chief end of man [humankind] is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.”

So that the adults don’t forget, and the young will learn, the parents/adults are to teach the children about God and how God wants us to live. In Proverbs 22:6, we read: “Train up a child in the way he should go. Even when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Sometimes when prodigal children appear to depart from their parents’ teaching, it is only temporarily, When they come to their senses, they will return.

Another interesting observation has been made regarding some persons with Alzheimer’s Disease or some form of dementia, They may not know their names, their family members, their life story, the day and date, or the POTUS. Then, someone may speak a passage of scripture or sing a hymn, and the persons will be engaged; They may join in reciting the 23rd Psalm or John 3:16. They may join in singing Jesus Loves Me or Amazing Grace. It is remarkable that while so many memories have been lost, they can still join in saying Bible verses or singing these hymns that they learned in childhood,


O God, we thank You for all we learned at home, at church or on retreats about You, and how You would have us to live. We thank You for familiar Bible verses and for cherished hymns. Help us to glorify You and enjoy You forever, In Christ’s name, we pray. Amen.

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