Esther 2:5-18, 3:1-6, 8:1-17
What better day to look at the book of Esther than on Valentine’s Day. This is a biblical story, a patriotic story, and a love story all wrapped into one. The editors of the Spark Story Bible introduce children to Queen Esther with five pages of pictures and words. They tell about a young girl named Esther, her cousin Mordecai (who were both Jewish), a very proud man named Haman, and the king. They tell about how when Haman demanded for people to bow down before him, and Mordecai refused to bow down to anyone but God Almighty, things got worse for the Jewish people. That is until Queen Ester intervened.
It’s a long biblical story, and yet an important one for how God has dealt with God’s people.
The last lines in the story Bible say:
“Hurrah for Queen Esther!” the people cheered. “Because the kings loves her, we are saved.”
Human love stories sometimes trigger tales of God’s love for us.
God, we read in the Bible that we love because You first loved us. Help me to thank You this day for the human love that has touched my life, and the love that I have felt through Your great gift in saving and claiming me. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.