A Gift from Mexico

Nanette Rodgers’ two favorite nativity sets were gifts.

One of Nanette Rodgers’ favorite nativities is made of clay and decorated with gold accents. The nativity set was a gift to Nanette from Dr. Jane G. White, Professor of Home Economics at Florida State University in Tallahassee. Dr. White purchased this for Nanette at a gift shop while taking a tour of Mexico. This nativity set has adorned her home for thirty-five years.

It is usually displayed on Nanette’s mother’s butler tray table in the living room. Nanette, her children, Karen and John, and grandchildren, most recently granddaughter, Natalie, have taken turns arranging the figures in preparation of celebrating Christmas. Taking a cue from Dr. Negley she now withholds Baby Jesus so that He is not placed in the crèche until Christmas Eve.

Another of Nanette Rodgers’ favorite nativities is a carved wooden one, which was a gift to her by Peggy Threlkel. The Rodgers and Threlkel families have been neighbors for more than forty-five years. They would get together during the holidays at each others’ homes alternating years as hosts. The children would then present their own nativity plays. Peggy also gave Nanette a school picture that year and the nativity scene and the picture are placed side-by-side and displayed on the mantel in the living room of Nanette’s home.

Scripture: Luke 10:25-29

Thought for the Day: We very much live in a mobile and transient society today. In your lifetime which neighbor have you known the longest?

Prayer: Dear God, we thank You for neighbors and for the ways Jesus expanded our view of neighbors. We are especially blessed when neighbors have become like second families to us. Help us truly to love our neighbors as we love ourselves this Christmas and always. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

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