A Gentle Reminder

Psalm 119:103

Do you know what happens 140 days from now? Advent begins on Sunday December 1st!

You may remember that the theme for this year’s Advent Devotional is: “Sweeter than Honey,” a collection of recipes for sweets and treats which will be accompanied by personal reflections as to how a particular treat became a family favorite and one that was always part of the Christmas traditions in your family/families.

The idea for this theme came from reading Psalm 119:103, “How sweet are Thy words to my taste! Yes, sweeter than honey to my mouth.” Dr. Negley wrote on this psalm two days ago and I did not want this opportunity to pass us by.

If you have a recipe for a family favorite “sweet or treat,” we would welcome your submission along with a few sentences about how it came to be a family favorite, whose recipe was it first, etc. We have received a number of submissions, but there is always room for one, two, three, or more others. Once these are collected, scriptures will be assigned, and a prayer will be added. We try to get the bulk of the work done in the summer, when “life in the church” is a little slower before fall and all of its busyness arrives. So, “Celebrate Christmas in July” by contributing a recipe and story for the Advent Devotional 2019. You may put a hard copy in the “In Box,” outside the office door, e-mail me: aharvey@firstpreswh.org or send your contribution to Connie, cshipley@firstpreswh.org. The goal is to have most of the work done by Friday, August 16.

Like the Psalmist, we agree that God’s Word is sweet to our taste and sweeter than honey to our mouth. John 3:16 is one of those “words” that is sweet to my taste, that is sweeter than honey. Just thinking about eggnog, Christmas cookies, holiday cakes and pies, candies, puddings, etc. make my mouth water. What about yours? I believe we are going to have some new wonderful “sweets and treats” to enjoy with our family and friends this Advent and Christmas!


Advent and Christmas too, O Lord, are coming. We have lots of time, but we know that the days do hasten on. Regardless of the day or season, Your Word is sweet to our taste and sweeter than honey to our mouths. Help us daily to savor Your Word. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.

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