A Father’s Love

Psalm 16

When I was a little girl I was fascinated by trains – don’t know why! For Christmas I desperately wanted “a train”. I believe this was the year I was 3 1/2. In wartime Britain a toy train was an impossibility. Shelves were bare and even if a train could have been found, there was little money. My father, however, was an engineer. He saved everything, fixed things and generally tinkered. So this dear man gathered up his bits and pieces and built me a steam locomotive, painted it emerald green and placed my initials on the sides (a la CSX). It is 15 inches long and 5 ½ inches high. The wheels are sprung so it can be pushed even with a child’s weight leaning on it. It has a hook on the front so that it can be pulled around.

You will notice I use the present tense. The train was put away somewhere in the house when I got older and stayed there until I was all grown up and gone from home. I think Mum and Dad found it in a fit of tidying. Anyhow, they were planning a visit soon and asked me if I would like them to bring it to me. I was thrilled to have it back. It is prominently positioned on our book shelves and is a wonderful symbol of a father’s love.

Sometimes it takes a little time to fully appreciate the gifts we are given.

~ Isobel Hubbard


Dear God, some have said “Christmas is for children.” If that be so, then Christmas is for all of us! Your Word teaches us that we are to become like children, even as we age and become aged. So Christmas is for all of us. As we grow older, we often gain a greater appreciation for loved ones and the gifts they have given us. As we look back over our lives, we see how You have blessed us with countless gifts of Your love and most unique among them is Your Son, Jesus, in whose name, we pray. Amen.

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