Jesus the Vine

John 15:1-17

In my garden I have a Confederate Jasmine. It was a wiry little vine when I first planted it. In time it grew so that it needed a trellis. It is blooming now, but it has grown so much that it has overtaken the trellis. The luxuriant vine had beautiful green leaves and oh so fragrant white blossoms. Those branches must stay connected to the vine because the leaves and blossoms will wither and turn brown if separated from the vine.

 Jesus said, “I’m like a vine. A branch can’t grow fruit without being connected to the vine. When you’re joined with me in love, I help you live the way God wants you to live.”

Jesus also speaks of God as the gardener … keeping watch over the vine and branches … and making certain the plants have all they need to become the vines He would have them to live and grow. The disciples indicated that they knew it was most important for them to love Jesus and stay connected to Him.

“The most important thing,” Jesus told His disciples, “is to love each other like I love you. When you do God will know and will give you everything you need.”


Creator God, we thank You for the vast array of flowers plants, shrubs, trees, and vines that You created. We thank You for the important lessons that Jesus taught, by directing our attention to simple things, like vines. Help us to love You and stay connected to You. In Christ’s name, we pray. Amen.

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