Monday, January 28 is the date for our first FunTimers outing in 2019.

We’ll gather at the church at 10:15 a.m. for a short trip through Dundee to Ridge Live Steamers.

Rich Dobler will be our host and he’ll help us become kids again while riding a model train. We’ll have a train ride before our lunch of pulled pork, salad and drinks under the picnic shelter and then another train ride before returning to the church by 3 p.m.

The good news is that if the weather is inclement, we can see a film about the trains – yes, I said “trains” in the plural. You will be amazed at the trains, each unique, and the train route over hill, dale and a railroad bridge!

This wonderful experience is free. We will be outdoors, so dress appropriately…ladies, wear slacks.

Please make your reservations by calling the church office at 294-2121 or emailing

We hope you will join us and bring a friend. Please RSVP by Wednesday, January 23 by calling the church office at 294-3121, emailing us at

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