Here are a few ways to access this new option:

  • Go to our Church website at www.firstpreswh.org and click on give (top right), you will be re-directed to https://app.securegive.com/firstpreswh or you can go directly to the SecureGive website, https://app.securegive.com/firstpreswh
  • First time users will click on sign-up
  • Complete all fields and click the blue sign-up box ** password must be a minimum of 8 characters, including numbers and uppercase and lowercase letters.
  • Click donate
  • Choose your donation option, under special offering you will enter your special request, ie. pastor fund, butterfly etc
  • Choose one time or reoccurring
  • Enter card information (if you choose to save your information the next time you login the information will be there and make giving much easier)
  • Submit (this is where you will add your additional message if needed)
  • You will receive an email confirmation of your giving for your records

There’s also an APP for that!

  • Simply go to your App store and download the free SecureGive Vision (you must type in SecureGive Vision) app and follow the prompts on each screen. Once you login or create an account you will be prompted to search for First Presbyterian church by name, city and/or state, follow the steps and enter the amount you wish to donate and the designation, one-time or recurring and then enter your card information.

Robin Miller is available to assist you during office hours at 863-294-3121 or email rmiller@firstpreswh.org.


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