Matthew 7: 24-27
This truly is a lesson that needs very little research to discover what our Lord Jesus is trying to teach us. Surely we know when Jesus says whoever “hears these words of mine and acts on them will be like the wise man who built his house on rock” (v. 24). We know exactly what the message is, and how Jesus wants us to live. We know Jesus is explaining how smart it will be to build your life upon the Rock which is a metaphor for Christ himself.
Jesus the Rock expects us to seek His Word and Wisdom as we live out our lives. Jesus is the Way of life and if we follow he will lead us to Life committed to God the Father. This means that every thought, every decision, every act we do, is done in the Spirit of God. God’s Spirit becomes a part of every thought, every act and decision, we make. If we do this, before long God becomes fully involved in who we are and what we do. Nothing can come between us and our Creator. If we don’t use Christ as the foundation of our living, Jesus goes on to say how foolish we will be. We would be like the “foolish man who built his house on sand.” The house we build may be a beautiful house, nicely furnished; full of everything one would need to live an easy comfortable life. That is, until the storms of life come and wash the sand away.
This year is the tenth anniversary of Hurricane Charley. Charley was not classified as a particularly fierce storm but it was destructive. Large trees were blown down. Roof shingles were tossed all around. Our church in Lake Hamilton lost its steeple. Most of us lost our power for three or four days. Though we were not physically injured, life was not good! Losing our electric power in the middle of August, in Florida, was not fun. If we live our lives with Christ as the center we will be like the wise man who built his house on rock. When the storms of life come, nothing can take away God’s Spirit from us and we will never lose our life in Him.
O God may the life we live be built upon the sure foundation of Jesus the Lord. Amen.