One of my fondest memories of Christmas past, was our beloved beautiful Angel, our tree topper, made of cardboard, and angel hair. She was purchased at a five and dime store, sometime in the mid-forties, but I don’t know the store’s location. She adorned my grandmother’s Christmas tree for decades at Christmas time, but our Angel was finally laid to rest in a cardboard box, due to her fragility and age, some thirty years ago. She is still brought out every Christmas season, still admired by me, and lies peacefully in her box beneath the tree, surrounded by the old Santa Claus books, that are about 70 years old themselves. I love to remember the Christmas past, our Angel on the tree in the old house, and my dear grandmother as well. After all, my grandmother was an Angel too.
Gail Damkjer
O God, how we wish that time did not take its toll on our possessions … paper yellows and becomes brittle, metals rust or tarnish, and wool is subject to moths. Even when these possessions are not like they once were, we treasure them and the memories of loved ones and times we shared. Thank You Lord, for helping us to lay up for ourselves treasures in heaven. We ask these things in the name of Christ Child, whose birth we celebrate. Amen.